Design solutions for any media

Justin Ward
Owner RED Multimedia
Web & Graphic Design Specialist
My name is Justin Ward. I am a front-end web developer and graphic designer. I love a beautifully designed website that functions on any device without compromising the end-user experience. Often a prospective client’s first, and in some cases last experience, is with a company’s website or other online portals such as: Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. It is more important than ever for a company to have a solid footing and surefire marketing plan in place in order to leverage these platforms to create a unique and one of a kind web experience.
I believe that the best solution is usually the simplest solution. With 25 years of design experience and 15 years of coding experience I have been through projects big and small and gone through several different types of web solutions. What I have learned is that working as modular as possible and utilizing the industry standard frameworks and libraries is the key to create stable code that is reusable and can be scaled to meet future wants and needs.
Thank you for your interest in RED Multimedia. Please contact me about any opportunities or inquiries you may have.
ecommerce website
“Nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to be great.”
ecommerce website
corporate website
/ˈmēdēəm/a means by which something is communicated or expressed.
corporate website
j2 Global
creative hub intranet
“Have no fear of perfection -- you’ll never reach it.”
Digital Marketing
display graphics
Animated Gifs
email design
/dəˈzīn/deliberate purposive planning.
Print Collateral
print collateral